Each IJAS multidisciplinary conference follows the same format. Here are our research presentation programs from recent conferences at Harvard (click here) and UNLV (click here).

Our editorial board invites abstracts, papers, and proposals as long as they fall within one of the following broad tracks:

  • Social Sciences and Humanities

  • Business and Economics

  • Teaching and Education

  • Science and Technology

After the submissions are accepted by the reviewers, in a double-blind review process, they will be clustered around their common topics and areas of interest. As is typical of multidisciplinary conferences, the final program - released about three weeks before the conference - will mirror the research agendas of the delegates rather than a pre-conceived list of arbitrary topics.

It is up to each delegate how much to submit or publish. Some authors may publish only an abstract in the proceedings. Others may prefer to publish a full-length manuscript in the journal. Many will publish nothing at all. Delegates may also attend without presenting any research.

Authors may deliver their work during the conference either as a 15-minute oral presentation or as a poster.